Understanding the BigCommerce cart page

The cart displays the type of product to be purchased, such as the subscription frequency of each product and the order total.

This guide covers how the cart works when on the Recharge Checkout on BigCommerce integration.



  • Recharge Checkout on BigCommerce

The cart appears as the following image, and should allow the following functionality:

  • Text under product title that describes the subscription item, if the customer selected a recurring item
  • Estimated taxes
  • Grand total
  • Checkout button should redirect the customer to Recharge checkout if there is an applicable product in the cart

Required classes

The classes shown in the following image are required.

CSS ClassContentFunctionality
rca-cart-header-subtotal-labelDoes not render content.Selects the cart estimated total label. Shown as Estimated total in the image above.
rca-cart-taxes, rca-cart-taxes-label, rca-cart-taxes-valueHides content.Hides tax/VAT label, value or entire line (shown as GST row in the image above) when added to element.
rca-cart-subtotal, rca-cart-subtotal-label, rca-cart-subtotal-valueHides content.Automatically hides subtotal label, value or entire line item.
rca-cart-grandtotal, rca-cart-grandtotal-label, rca-cart-grandtotal-valueCart totals- Selects grand total label, value and entire line item. Shown as Estimated grand total above.

- rca-cart-grandtotal-value reflects updated total when subscription item is added to cart.
rca-cart-itemCart ItemThis class is a wrapper for each line item in the cart.
rca-cart-item-price, rca-cart-item-quantity, rca-cart-item-totalCart item price, quantity and item totalThese classes are injected into the item price, quantity and total. They reflect updated information. Shown as $9.45, the selector with the value 1, and the total value $9.45 in bold in the image above.
rca-cart-line-item-subscribeSubscription info text.This class displays the subscription text. Shown as Subscribe & Save: Every 30 days. in the image above.
rca-cart-couponHides content.When added to coupons element, hides coupon if subscription item is present in cart.
rca-cart-removeDoes not render contentWe inject this class onto the remove item button in the cart to track behavior. Shown as x icon in the line item row in the image above.

Cart preview dropdown

The cart dropdown shows a preview of the cart, and provides customers the option to proceed to checkout without viewing the cart page.

The cart preview should allow the following actions:

  • Show the amount of
  • Display product brand (if present), title and price
  • Display Checkout and View Cart buttons which redirect to Recharge

Required classes

The classes shown in the image below are required.

CSS ClassContentFunctionality
rca-cart-dropdownDisplays the cart dropdown- This class is applied to the entire cart dropdown and checks the cart for changes in content.

- It is shown above as the entire area encompassed by a border and contains the product title, thumbnail, and price. It also contains the checkout and view cart buttons.
rca-cart-dropdown-priceDoes not render content.This class is applied to the item price to reflect the subscription item price. Shown as $9.45 in the image above.
rca-cart-dropdown-checkoutDoes not render content.This class is added to the checkout button to ensure update when subscription item is present. Shown as the Checkout button in the image above.
rca-cart-dropdown-contentDoes not render content.Contains cart information. The area containing OFS, $9.45 and Le Parfait Jar as shown above.


The following HTML is an example of a cart dropdown with Recharge elements.

<div class="dropdown-menu rca-cart-dropdown is-open f-open-dropdown" id="cart-preview-dropdown" data-dropdown-content="" aria-hidden="false" style="position: absolute; left: -0.000491992px; top: 49.0972px;"><div class="previewCartWrapper">
  <div class="previewCart">
        <ul class="previewCartList">
                <li class="previewCartItem">
                                       <div class="previewCartItem-image">...</div>
                                           <div class="previewCartItem-content rca-cart-dropdown-content">
                            <span class="previewCartItem-brand">

                            <h6 class="previewCartItem-name">
                                <a href="https://tarek-bc.mybigcommerce.com/1-l-le-parfait-jar/" alt="Le Parfait Jar" title="Le Parfait Jar">Le Parfait Jar</a>

                            <span class="previewCartItem-price rca-cart-dropdown-price">
            <div class="previewCartAction">
                    <form method="post" action="https://checkout.rechargeapps.com/r/checkout?domain=tarek-bc.mybigcommerce.com&amp;cart_token=460f3a86-0d85-4309-a64e-5f38a197788c" class="previewCartAction-checkout rca-cart-dropdown-checkout"><input name="cart_json" type="hidden"> <button id="rc-checkout-button" type="button" value="Checkout New" class="button button--primary button--small">

Cart Modal

The cart preview modal appears as a pop-up when a customer adds an item to their cart.

The default cart modal functionality is shown below. It should:

  • Show the type of recurring purchase and frequency of the product
  • Checkout button should redirect the customer to Recharge checkout if there is an applicable product in the cart

Required classes

The classes shown in the image below are required.

CSS ClassContentFunctionality
rca-cart-modal-contentDoes not render content.This class selects the entire modal.
rca-cart-modal-subtextDescriptive text.Displays the subscription information. Shown as Subscribe & Save: Every 30 days above.
rca-cart-modal-subtotalSubtotalSelects the cart subtotal. Shown as $61.60 above.
rca-cart-modal-pricePriceThis class replaces the existing price with the subscription product price when applicable. Shown as 3 x $9.45 above.
rca-checkout-buttonSends customer to Recharge checkout.This is injected on the checkout button to redirect the customer to the Recharge checkout when there is a subscription item present. Shown as Checkout button above.

Hiding Cart Elements

Add rca-cart-hide-subscription to every element you wish to hide when there is a subscription element in the cart e.g. hiding Google Pay when subscription products are in the cart.


<div class="previewCartCheckout-additionalCheckoutButtons" "rca-cart-hide-subscription"></div>

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