Redirecting directly to subscription checkout

In some cases, you may want a button that bypasses the cart page and goes straight to the subscription checkout. This is useful if you are creating a buy button on a non-product page in Shopify or if you'd like to minimize the number of steps to purchase.

This guide covers how to redirect a customer directly to the subscription checkout from the product or cart page.



  • Shopify Checkout Integration
  • Migrated Shopify Checkout Integration

Before you start

Create a redirect from the product page



This section only applies to stores using the Recharge Checkout on Shopify.

This is the JavaScript redirect to send the window location to the Recharge checkout page. Make sure the product is added to the cart first, as a cart token must exist for the script to work.



The following function should be called as part of a success call (if using AJAX), or added to an event listener, such as a button click.

function reChargeProcessCart() {
	function get_cookie(name){ return( document.cookie.match('(^|; )'+name+'=([^;]*)')||0 )[2] }
	do {
	while(token == undefined);	var myshopify_domain='{{ shop.permanent_domain }}'
	try { var ga_linker = ga.getAll()[0].get('linkerParam') } catch(err) { var ga_linker ='' }
	checkout_url= ""+myshopify_domain+"&cart_token="+token+"&"+ga_linker;

Create a redirect from the cart page

An alternative is to still direct people to the cart page, and then on the cart page run an auto-redirect to trigger the checkout button immediately.

You can do so by adding the code below to the cart.liquid file. Note that this will still cause the cart page to load between the product page and checkout.

<script>$(window).ready(function() {$('[name="checkout"]').click();});</script><br>

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