Redirect to third-party customer portal

This approach lets you handle the customer subscription management experience entirely independent of Recharge. Use this approach if you want to fully customize the workflow and look/feel of the customer portal. In taking this approach, you will leverage Recharge's APIs and make calls necessary to update subscription and account records server-side when customers take action on the frontend.


1. Retrieve customer

You will first need to filter all API calls to populate the portal with data by the customer_id. One method for retrieving the ID is applying a query parameter to the Customers endpoint.

Example GET customer by email

GET to /customers?email=<customer_email>

2. Filter resource by customer_id

Once you receive the customer_id, you can filter any applicable resource by this parameter. For example a GET to the /subscriptions/ produces a response body with all subscriptions, including the customer_id for each.

Example retrieve subscriptions

GET to /subscriptions/


  "subscription": {
    "id": 89559201,
    "address_id": 48563471,
    "analytics_data": {
      "utm_params": []
    "cancellation_reason": null,
    "cancellation_reason_comments": null,
    "cancelled_at": null,
    "charge_interval_frequency": "30",
    "created_at": "2020-07-10T10:30:51",
    "customer_id": 43845860,

3. Populate customer portal page with data

Now that you have the relevant information about a customer subscription, you can serve the information client-side. Recharge's REST APIs provide access to a wide range of actions. For example, your application can take action to let customers edit, swap, cancel and update subscriptions using the method described.

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